The ultimate goal and purpose of Wedgefield University is to lead boys and girls to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, train them in the knowledge of God, teach the Christian way of life, and offer them an excellent education. Our desire is to work with parents in raising their child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and thus equipping him/her to identify, evaluate, and relate properly to life’s problems. We make it our goal to integrate Biblical truth in all areas of teaching and school activities.

Wedgefield University uses the ABeka curriculum, which is published by ABeka Books of Pensacola, Florida. ABekaBooks is associated with Pensacola Christian College. We teach the basic “3 R’s” reading, writing, and arithmetic. The curriculum is also enhanced by science, community helpers, and season units. In conjunction with these units, the children discuss and study local points of interest. We teach various Bible units, which include: a Bible Story, verse, song, and activities. We incorporate God’s love and His plan for us in all we teach.

Wedgefield University utilizes a traditional approach to classroom teaching which involves a program designed to mend the best of traditional education with emphasis on phonetics and arithmetic, as well as many proven contemporary approaches. We make it our goal to integrate Biblical truth in all areas of teaching.


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